A Special Memory... from over 50 years ago!

A Special Memory... from over 50 years ago!

Maybe it was all the thinking about joining an online dating site, or reliving my life (for the 25th millionth time), or was I acting like a love struck teenager, or an outrageous old broad… it doesn’t really matter.  I did something I would not normally do.

I was walking Ty on a lovely day, when I realized I had gone way back in my life to a rather special memory.  I suddenly felt very warm and thought to myself, “I think I'm blushing!”  So, I stopped for a moment to gather myself.  I took a deep breath, and realized I had been thinking of my first love.  I was 16 or 17 at the time and we had just spent a wonderful day together!

Me in 1963 or 1964 at Whycliffe Park

Me in 1963 or 1964 at Whycliffe Park

Back to the present reality, and I realized my heart was racing!  Then a ton of other memories about Colin (*I’ve changed his name to protect his privacy), and I surfaced.  We were together for five years and to this day I have very fond and loving memories of him, and the time we spent together.

When I got home I thought, “I wonder where Colin is, how he’s doing, and is he well and happy?”  Seeing as how I have finally entered the 21st century and joined Facebook, I thought, “I’ll look him up.”

And, I found someone that I thought could be him.  But, I wasn’t 100% sure. It had been 50 years since I'd seen him!   The man I was looking at on screen looked like a senior citizen.  Of course, I was completely forgetting that I’m one too. :-)  I was really hesitant to contact him, just in case he was the "wrong" Colin.

There was only one thing to do – phone my friend Tamara and get her opinion.  Well… an hour and a half later (that’s how long we were on the phone ‘cause we were having so much fun giggling and laughing just like teenagers!), we both agreed that I should write Colin a letter (the kind you can still send via the post office).  Tamara being the enterprising soul that she is had looked up his address!

My favourite photo of Tamara and I... taken in 1997 and I think that we were Outrageous Old Broads way back then!

My favourite photo of Tamara and I... taken in 1997 and I think that we were Outrageous Old Broads way back then!

I still wasn't 100% sure if I had the right Colin, or if a "Colin" even lived at the address that Tamara found.  So I thought it best to start my letter with an explanation.  I mentioned that I was looking for a Colin ********* and mentioned who I was, and some info about his family, school, etc.  And, lastly, I said that I wanted to "Thank" him for something.  As well, I felt (very strongly) that I owed him an apology.  

I also asked the person I was writing, who could, or could not be the right Colin, if he would please let me know if he was the "right" Colin.

By then, I was starting to feel just a little silly, actually a LOT silly!  I have never had someone reach out to me, that I haven't seen in 50 years! I can't imagine how that would feel?!

After typing the letter, I dithered around wondering if I should mail it or not.  Before I realized what I was doing, I was on my way to the post office to mail the letter!

That was on a late Wednesday afternoon.  By late Monday evening I had pretty well convinced myself that Colin (or whoever was at the address I mailed the letter to) thought I was some crazy little old lady who had nothing better to do, than harass people she thought she knew as a teenager.  I just knew he was never going to contact me!

I poured myself a cup of tea. Then I heard the “ping” from my computer (announcing a message) so I moseyed over.

I almost dropped my cup of tea!  Colin had replied to my snail mail letter.  He mentioned that he and his family had been looking at some old photo albums about two weeks ago, and came across a photo of me.

That stopped me in my tracks!  That was the same time I had my special memory of Colin!  It’s as if our two souls reached out over time, and touched each other.  Colin called the experience “uncanny.”  I think it’s damn amazing!

He mentioned that he was alive and well, and also updated me on some of the highlights of his life.  I was very happy to hear that he had a good life.

After I had conjured him up out of nowhere on my doggie walk and had a delightful time walking down memory lane, and having him reply to my letter, I knew it was time to write Colin the letter that I knew I had wanted to write for a very long time.  

I wanted to thank Colin because the five years I spent with him (and the kind of person he is) laid the foundation (in my mind) for how I should be treated by a man.  Colin knew, even way back then (as a teenager), to be kind, attentive, generous, and treated a young woman very well!  I remember laughing a lot, thoroughly enjoyed being with him, and he made me feel special.  For that I will always be thankful to Colin.

Next, I wanted to apologize to Colin.  When I turned 20, I decided to go travelling in Europe and told Colin about my plans.  With hindsight and some maturity, I realized that I must have behaved in a totally callus and unkind way.  Finally, some 50 years later, I was able to apologize properly to Colin. 

Me the day I left for Europe in 1967

Me the day I left for Europe in 1967

Needless to say I was just a little exhausted after writing all that, so I hit “Send” and poured myself a glass of wine.  Then I gave myself a “toast” and celebrated being an Outrageous old Broad!








Online Dating

Online Dating

My Outrageous Rules

My Outrageous Rules