What's a woman to do?
Now, I’m back on the dating site and focused on it. The reason I say “focused” is because if I don’t stay focused, I could end up spending a lot of time looking at thousands of photos of gorgeous men and their profiles… and most of them would probably be younger than me… lots younger! And, that’s not what I want at this stage of my life. Who knows, maybe in ten years I will. 😊 Right now, there are plenty of men in my age range to peruse! Some days it feels like a full-time job!
The dating site sends FIVE emails per day, with the photo and profile of men they think are a “match” for me. As well, they include photos and profiles of men I’ve “interacted” with.
I’ve yet to figure out why the ones I’ve already interacted with, are included? If I’ve already sent the man an email, why should I contact him again?! Maybe the site thinks one email isn’t enough to get the guy’s attention… who knows?
These emails also include info on men I’ve only looked at, and/or the man and I have “ticked” off the same box (on our profiles) i.e., we both like dogs. Altogether, that’s a LOT of emails to receive and then check out their profile!
And, just to make life interesting, there are the emails I receive from guys that have an interest in me. Perusing all these emails, looking at the photos, reading profiles and occasionally writing a man, takes even more time and energy!
Heaven’s to Betsy… I’m whining! When I was on the dating site last November it was fun! This change, in how I feel about online dating, is not conducive to meeting a great guy.
What’s a woman to do? 😊 My friend Tamara would probably say, “Put your BIG GIRL panties on, suck it up, and get on with it!"
All I feel like saying is, “What for? Woe is me!” Thinking about it, maybe I need an attitude adjustment? Time for a cup of tea… let’s see, it’s almost 6:00 pm, so a glass of wine sounds like more fun than a cup of tea.
Now, that I’ve had a few sips of wine I realize that it could be a bit dangerous for me to have wine and go on the dating website. I can see me thinking, “Oh he looks gorgeous!” Then I proceed to write him, and the man replies, “You look like a lovely woman; however, I would prefer meeting a lady that is closer to my age.”
At that point I will check out his age and discover that I’m 30 years older than he is. Here’s where I would say, “Oooops!”
Or, some gorgeous man will reply to the email I sent him, and say he’s sorry, but he lives in Florida and that’s just a bit too far to travel to meet each other… for coffee!
Seeing as how I’ve now had my glass of wine, I think I’ll leave my computer alone until tomorrow morning. Then with a fresh cup of coffee and a totally clear head, I’ll jump into checking men out again. I know that there’s one man that is just perfect for me… somewhere.
Now, all we need to do… is find each other.
P.S. I realize that some of you might think that all I’m focused on, in my life right now, is finding a man! To which I would reply… Yes, having a man in my life again, would be lovely. As well, I’m having so much fun trying to find him, now that I’ve had my attitude adjustment! 😊