My "La La" Experience
As I stepped onto the beach, I started to remember the good times
Alex and I had there, and then I got a strange feeling.
My dear friend Tamara has a nickname for things that are spiritual in nature. She told me that her mother (who passed away many years ago) would get Tamara’s attention whenever she wanted to tell her something, by moving her photo (which is hanging on the wall).
So, if Tamara was walking by the photo and noticed it was a bit off kilter, Tamara knew her mother wanted to have a chat with her. Tamara calls these experiences “my La La stuff.”
I have never fully believed that those kinds of experiences happen. Or, maybe it is more accurate to say, they have never happened to me… until a month ago!
I had gone down to visit with Tamara and her husband Michael. They live in a beautiful area of Washington State, on a small lake, five minutes from the Pacific Ocean.
It was the first time I had seen them since my husband Alex passed away 1 ½ years ago. All three of us had to adjust to the fact that Alex was no longer with us. It was sad, but we spoke about him, shared fond memories, and all in all, we had a great time! Also, Michael cooks fantastic breakfasts! :-)
In short order, we had a bit of a routine. After a scrumptious breakfast, Michael would drive me and my doggie Ty to a local state park (there are two in the area) so Ty and I could go for a nice walk.
One day we went to Joemma Beach and the weather was really lousy! It was pouring rain and the wind was vicious. Ty and I didn’t dawdle long and we were back in the vehicle in about 15 minutes. Both of us were soaking wet and just a titch miserable. I was really glad to get away from the place.
A couple of days later I asked Michael if we could go to Joemma Beach again. I had a feeling as if I was being drawn there.
Off we went. The weather was cloudy, but there was no wind or rain. Just after taking the photo below, the sun came out. It felt like I was being welcomed to the beach.
As I stepped onto the beach, I started to remember the good times Alex and I had there, and then I got a strange feeling.
The next thing I knew, I actually felt Alex’s presence. It was as if he were wrapping his arms around me in a huge hug. And, then I heard him speaking to me. He told me that he was very sorry that he had to go, and leave me alone. He wanted me to know that he loved me, and would always look out after me. I would be safe. He asked me not to be so sad and he wanted me to start living again. He wanted me to be happy!
Suddenly everything looked brighter, and I felt safe and loved. When Ty and I got back to Michael waiting in the car, I told him about my experience. He smiled and said, “Sounds like Alex.”
Am I a convert to “La La stuff?” Not completely. However, I now feel Alex’s presence frequently. Also, I feel safe, protected and loved. And the added bonus is that I’ve had some fun conversations with Alex since my walk on Joemma Beach!