Valentine's Day is Coming!
I would imagine that there are a lot of women that are going to purchase a lovely Valentine’s Day card and a gift for the man in their life. And, many of you will probably go out for a romantic dinner. Which will then lead to some romance… that’s a euphemism for “sex” in this context! 😊
I’m not a man, so I can’t accurately predict just how much a man appreciates a Valentine’s Day card, and/or a present. There are probably quite a few that do. What I can predict is the following: Most men would do cartwheels, jump for joy AND be thrilled to bits, if the “gift” they received was the woman in their life coming onto them, while wrapped only in a big red bow!
Just so we’re clear here, I am not suggesting everyone should have a good “roll in the hay on Valentine’s Day,” although, thinking about it… why not?!
I realize your love life is none of my business! However, having lived as long as I have, and been fortunate to have had some wonderful men in my life, I’d like to go out on a limb and suggest something to you: Making some whoopie may spice up your life. Your love life may already be spicy, if so, good for you! Also, it may just be fun! I guess what I’m trying to say is that having some romance with your partner is a good thing, no matter what day it is. 😊
All I can go by is my own life experiences and how they turned out for me. As well, and equally important, my life experiences have helped to create and encourage me to become an Outrageous Old Broad. Before I officially became an Outrageous Old Broad, I dabbled and dallied with being just a titch outrageous and consequently ended up having a lot of fun for most of my life. It’s only now that I’ve turned 70 I realize that I became just a little bit more outrageous with each passing year.
Which of course encouraged me even more to be as outrageous as I could be, given the constraints of what Alex and I did for a living. It’s not a good idea for the therapist and his wife to be running around in the forest, by the river, whilst naked.
There are park rangers and others riding by on their horses and to this day I don’t know who was more surprised, and maybe just a little frightened… the horses, or us!
If I had one word of advice for any woman it would be: Take a chance… try a little bit of outrageousness as soon as you can. You might like it. Then by the time you’re my age, you will totally (and officially) be an Outrageous Old Broad. What have you got to lose?
Now that I am officially “old,” age is no big deal for me anymore. To be truthful, it never was. I refuse to be pigeon-holed as a “70-year, little old lady!” I much prefer being an Outrageous Old Broad.
Remembering and reliving certain events in my past, and present life, is a delightful way for me to wait at traffic lights, or while driving, listening to some of my favourite music. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve missed the turn to my house, or driven right past my destination… I have an excellent and quite vivid memory when it comes to “fun stuff!” And, I usually arrive home in quite the lovely mood. 😊
Speaking of having fun, when was the last time you seduced the man in your life? I’m sure there are a lot of women who do that on a regular basis. To them, I say, “Great! Congratulations! Well done!”
For those of you that haven’t done that in a while, please consider doing so… you’ll be glad you did. And, you will be creating some fun memories for yourself. It sure beats sitting at a traffic light watching the lights go from red to green!
May your Valentine’s Day be delicious and delightful! 😊